아름다운 여행

[스크랩] 한국의 명소 아름다운 50곳

아라모 2012. 4. 4. 21:29

한국 의 명소 아름다운곳 50곳

50 beautiful places to visit in Korea

Some 25 million South Koreans -- about half the population -- travel

abroad at least once a year, but it’s safe to assume that most haven't

seen all the beautiful sights within the country.

Seoul only takes up a mere 0.6 percent of South Korea's territory:

here are 50 stunning photographs from the other 99.4 percent of the

country that are all worth a visit.

1. Seongsan Sunrise Peak (성산 일출봉)

Seongsan Sunrise Peak

Cue the cinematic music.

2. Ggotji Beach (꽃지 해수욕장)


Time to visit the grandparents.

3. Darangee Village (경상남도 남해 가천 다랭이 마을)

Darangee Village

What Korean kids did before video games.

4. Gwang-An Bridge (부산 광안대교)

GwangAn Bridge

Korea loves its stunning, futuristic bridges.

5. Kyeong-Wha Station, Jinhae (진해 경화역)

Gyeonghwa Station

All this scene needs is a soldier and a beautiful girl waiting for him at the station.

6. Upo Marsh (우포늪)

Upo Marsh

Swimming is probably not recommended.

7. Jeungdo Salt Farm (전남 신안 증도 염전)

Jeungdo Salt

Salt farming in a slow city.

8. Gongryong Ridge, Seorak Mountain (설악산 신선대 공룡능선)

Mt. Seoraksan

From this distance, it looks like a Stegosaurus, but we can't be sure.

9. Uleung Island Seaside Road (울릉도 해안도로)


Uleung Island was known as Dagelet to Europeans.

10. Seopjikoji, Jeju Island (제주도 섭지코지)

Seopjikoji Coast

A music video just waiting to be shot.

11. Bomun Pavilion, Gyeongju (경주 보문정)

Bomun Pavilion

A pavilion for all seasons.

12. Udo (우도)


The Korean way of making a wish.

13. Haeinsa Temple, Hapcheon (합천 해인사)

Haein Temple

Haeinsa is one of the three Jewel Temples in Korea.

14. Chunwang Peak, Jiri Mountain (지리산 천왕봉)

Cheonwangbong Peak

Where to look down on clouds.

15. Juknokwon, Damyang (담양 죽녹원)


Unfortunately Korea's all out of pandas.

16. Naganeupseong Folk Village, Suncheon (순천 낙안읍성 민속마을)


We wonder how many people it took to color a single roof.

17. Yeojwa Stream (경상남도 진해 여좌천 벚꽃길)

Yeojwa Stream

This spot is the spring equivalent of mistletoe.

18. Boseong Green Tea Field (보성 녹차밭)

Green Tea Field

The most caffeinated field in the country.

19. Bulguksa Temple (경주 불국사)


Where to bookmark your history books.

20. Daegwallyeong Ranch (대관령 양떼목장)

Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch

The lamb are there, you're just not looking closely.

21. Cheongdo Bull Fighting Festival (청도 소싸움 축제)

Cheongdo Bull Fighting Festival

Just don't wear red.

22. Hyeopjae Beach, Jeju Island (제주도 협재 해수욕장)

Hyeopjae Beach

We think this beach is one of the main reasons Jeju Island made it unto the seven

new wonders list.

23. Anapji (Anap Pond) (경주 안압지)


There are lotus flowers under there somewhere.

24. Seryang-Je (세량제)

Seyangje Reservoir

All this scene is missing is a fairy.

25. Kwanghan Pavilion (광한루)

Kwanghallu Pavilion

This picture probably would work upside-down as well.

26. Seomjin River Train Village (섬진강 기차 마을)

Seomjingang Train Village

Where it's safe to walk along the tracks.

27. Cheongsando (청산도)

Cheongsando Island

We prefer the word "leisurely."

28. Halla Mountain (한라산)

Halla Mountain

What Narnian skies must have looked like under the grip of the White Witch.

29. Terraced Fields, Hamyang (함양 다락논)

Terraced Fields

Who knew there were so many shades of green?

30. Nuri Peace Park (임진각 평화 누리공원)

Imjingak Pyeonghwanuri Park

Primary colors in full bloom.

31. Silk Fall, Jiri Mountain (지리산 뱀사골 실비단 폭포)

Silk Fall

This waterfall is camera-shy.

32. Young-san River (영산강)

Yeongsangang River

One of the four major rivers (4대강) in Korea.

33. Poppy Garden, Simhak Mountain, Paju (파주 심학산 꽃밭)

Simhak Mountain

Running around with flowers in your hair seems like the logical thing to do here.

34. Royal Azalea Festival, Hwangmae Mountain (황매산 철쭉축제)

Mt. Hwangmaesan

The color of royalty.

35. Sin-Reuk Temple, Yeo Ju (여주 신륵사)

Silleuksa Temple

Had enough of breathtaking views? Go shopping at the Yeoju outlets nearby.

36. Daedun Mountain Suspension Bridge (대둔산 구름다리)

Mt. Daedunsan

"Whatever you do, don't look down."

37. Haeundae Beach (해운대 해수욕장)


Unfortunately, you'll almost never find the beach as empty as it is in this photo.

38. Yongam Temple (옥천 용암사)

Yongamsa Temple

This sight brought tears to one prince's eyes.

39. Snow in Taebaek Mountain (태백산 설경)

Mt. Taebaeksan

Mountain country.

40. Yang Dong Traditional Village (양동 한옥마을)

Yangdong Village

The hottest brunch spot in Yangdong Village.

41. Nami Island (남이섬)

Metasequoia Road

Fans of "Winter Sonata" will recognize this famous road.

42. Suncheon Bay (순천만)

Suncheonman Bay

The perfect respite from city life.

43. Inje Smelts Festival (인제 빙어축제)

Inje Icefish

How to catch some rest at an ice fishing festival.

44. Ulsan Rock, Seorak Mountain (울산바위)

Ulsan Rock

Who needs carved faces when you've got legends?

45. Bangwhasuryujeong, Suwon Hwa Seong (화성 방화수류정)

Suwon Hwasung

A literal setting for poetry.

46. Namdae Stream, Muju (무주 남대천 섶다리)

Seopdari bridge

Headbanging, Korean style.

47. Donglim Reservoir, Gochang (고창 동림저수지)

Donglim Reservoir

Approximately four fifths of the migratory birds that can be seen every year at the reservoir are teals.

48. The Garden of Morning Calm (아침 고요 수목원)

Garden of Morning Calm

A new kind of horticulture lecture hall.

49. Chok-suk Pavilion (촉석루)


Where a dip in the river turned dramatic.

50. Samkwang Temple (삼광사 연등축제)

Samgwangsa Temple

The festival of lights is not just for Buddhists.

출처 : 55년 양띠동우회
글쓴이 : 강박 원글보기
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